All our efforts to supply you with the best sealing solution can be undermined, however, if the seal are mishandled or damaged while being fitted.
Repack-S seals can often be designed and manufactured to fit into existing grooves – precision manufacture and fine surface finish ensure an easy fit.
For an open groove, fitting is not a problem as the seals can simply be pushed into position. Fitting a seal in a closed groove, whether for a piston or rod type configuration, can be more challenging, which is why we offer ‘Seal Installation Tools’.
These custom-designed tools greatly simplify handling and ease installation, making the process quicker and more straightforward. They also help reduce the risk of seal damage during installation, which would inevitably lead to unwanted leakage and unscheduled equipment maintenance.
So, to put it another way, Repack-S Seal Installation Tools can help reduce the true cost of installation and the associated risk of having to carry out this operation several times!
Repack-S seal installation tools can be used with DANAFLEX®, DANAWING®, DANAGLIDE®, DANASTEP®, DANACAP® and DANAROTO®. All our custom-designed tools are supplied in a protective case, complete with instructions.

Repack-S sealing solutions include a range of proven seal designs: HPX®-Mono®, DANAFLEX®, DANAROTO®, DANAWING®, DANAGLIDE®, DANACAP® and DANASTEP®. All these solutions, when specified properly, offer highly effective, long-lasting and utterly reliable sealing performance.